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What can I tell you about me?

Photo Ink was founded in 1989 by Scott C. Park, a photojournalist wedding Photographer, in Southern California. His unique style and artistic sense are evident in his wedding coverage, largely in part to his experience as a photojournalist.

" I'm not just a photographer but a storyteller. My goal is not a create stunning images, but to reveal the truth of peoples' lives in a respectful way. I consider it a great privilege to be there, and very fortunate to be able to convey the reality of their lives as I experience it. People are very smart and able to sense your real motivation. They let me into their lives because they know that I'm not an intrusive outsider- insofar as is humanly possible I'm one with them. "

His distinctive quality is not only achieved when taking pictures, but also in processing and editing the presentation of his works. Scott's passion for photography and his personal integrity permeate all aspects of his visual documentation resulting in powerful expressions of human experiences in the most important times of their lives.

As a Korean-American photographer, Scott uses his Far-Eastern & American cultural backgrounds to respect all ethnic, cultural and religious traditions and to deliver an inimitable memory of the experiences he photographs.

"Come & See" John 1:46

Wedding Photography

We have been serving the areas of Los Angeles and Orange County. Available to travel worldwide for destination weddings.

Studio Photography

Our service delivers high resolution quality pictures retouched and digitally optimized in Photoshop to guarantee maximum satisfaction.

Portraits Photography

Our sessions combine contemporary, fashionable portrait photography, flattering poses, and styles in a comfortable, fun environment.


©1989- All rights reserved | PHOTO INK